Objective To establish a method for determination of the content of compound aspirin tablets. 目的采用高效液相色谱法测定复方乙酰水杨酸片中游离水杨酸的含量。
Effects of compound Red-rooted Salvia and aspirin on platelet aggregation and PKB activity in the elderly patients with ACS 复方丹参滴丸及阿司匹林对老年ACS患者血小板聚集功能及PKB活性变化的影响
Effect of compound Danshen dropping pills on platelet aggregation ratio in patients with aspirin resistance 复方丹参滴丸在阿司匹林抵抗患者治疗中血小板聚集率的研究
Study on the Influence of Compound Danshen Drop Pills Companied with Aspirin on Platelet Aggregation Function of Patients with Coronary Heart Disease; 血小板功能检测对于临床相关疾病的诊断和抗血小板药物的筛选及相关研究有着重要的意义。
Determination of Three Components in Compound Aspirin Tablets by HPLC HPLC测定复方乙酰水杨酸片中3组分的含量
The results indicated that the compound has a good analgesic and antiinflammatory action compared with Aspirin, and scarcely any stimulations on the gastric mucosa, similar to normal saline. 结果显示,该化合物具有良好的镇痛抗炎功效,且强于阿司匹林;对胃粘膜几乎无刺激作用,接近生理盐水组。
Methods: Two hundred and twenty cases were randomly divided into two groups, the 120 cases in Group A were treated with IUP and the 100 cases in Group B treated with compound Aspirin ( APC). 方法:220例患儿随机分成小儿退热贴敷脐治疗组(120例)及复方阿斯匹林(APC)治疗对照组(100例)。
Rupture of kidneys induced by compound aspirin tablets 复方阿司匹林片诱发双肾破裂
ConclusionThis method could be used for the determination of three components in compound aspirin tablets without separation. 结论本法可不经分离,直接测定复方乙酰水杨酸片的含量。
Simultaneous determination of aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine in compound aspirin tablet 复方阿司匹林制剂中3组分含量的同时测定
Assay of compound tablets of aspirin using signal multiplier Spectrophotometry 系数倍率法测定复方阿斯匹林片的含量
Determining Method of Dissolution of Compound Aspirin Retard Tablet 复方阿司匹林控释片释放度检测方法的研究
Studies on stability and irritation to stomach for compound aspirin double-layered tablets 复方阿司匹林缓冲双层片的稳定性和胃刺激性考查
Determination of Compound Tablets Isosorbide Mononitrate and Aspirin by HPLC HPLC法同时测定复方单硝酸异山梨酯阿司匹林片含量
The compound has been associated with various gastrointestinal side effects, the most severe of which can be gastric bleeding occurring in about 70% of patients taking oral aspirin. 其中最严重的是,有70%服用过口服阿司匹林制剂的患者会出现胃出血;
The average recoveries of four components in simulated samples and the compound child phenobarbital tablet The contents of aspirin, phenacetin, caffeine and phenobarbital could be measured simultaneously. 结果:可同时测定模拟样和复方小儿苯巴比妥片剂试样中阿司匹林、非那西丁、咖啡因和苯巴比妥的各自含量。
Objective: Aspirin, phenacetine and caffeine in compound aspirin tablet were simultaneously determined. 目的:利用双波长系数标准加入外推法,同时测定了复方阿斯匹林中阿斯匹林、扑热息痛和咖啡因的含量。
The Quantitative Measuring of Phenacetin in Compound Medicament Antongding 、 Aspirin 、 Keganming By Spectrophotometry 用分光光度法测定复方药物安痛定片、阿司匹林和感克片中非那西丁含量
Simultaneous Determination of Aspirin, Phenacetine and Caffeine in Compound Aspirin Tablet by Dual-Wavelength Standard Addition Method 双波长系数标准加入外推法测定复方阿斯匹林中3组分的含量